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Stay in touch with the research work progressing under the CO2PEAT research project

14 Feb 2023


Currently the work under the CO2PEAT project is focusing on gathering the data required for modelling, such as measured greenhouse gas (GHG) flux data from instrumented peatland-sites, peat physical and chemical soil parameters, vegetation parameters, biomass, water-table, climate data, land-area, topography, drainage and land use/management. This data should range from observations and field measurements to various in-situ, remote sensing (RS), geospatial and other earth-observation (EO) data.


The recent work resulted in the generated list of potentially needed variables based on information obtained from reviewing modelling studies and from data-input requirements of some of the major process-based models. At present, the project received flux-data from external projects/research run by Dr Matthew Saunders (i. e. projects Terrain-AI, SmartBog). A variety of the EO/RS data products required for modelling have been gathered as well. Where applicable, the data processing is being performed with help of programming/scripting in R and Phyton, some of which was developed already throughout earlier research performed by Premrov et al. (2020a,  2020b).


Several project communication activities have been successfully undertaken as well. The communication/interaction between CO2PEAT and LIFE IP Peatlands and People project is continuing  - you can read more about it here  and here

An abstract introducing the CO2PEAT project to the scientific audience in the area has been submitted for the next  Irish Geological Research Meeting - IGRM 2023 conference, which will take place in Belfast during early March 2023.


To stay in touch with the most recent updates,  you can follow the CO2PEAT project on social media, on Twitter @CO2PEAT_project and Mastodon



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